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Meet Our Team

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Kate Fischer, Ph.D.

Dr. Kate Fischer is a cultural anthropologist who earned her Ph.D. in anthropology from CU Boulder. She has worked or researched in just about every part of the coffee commodity chain, as well as on social networks to understand how ideas about quality and social justice circulate. When she is not teaching about coffee, social justice, Latin America, power, violence, or the state, you can find her obsessing over water-to-grounds ratios or training for triathlons.


Rico Carale

Rico Carale is a sophomore studying integrative physiology and sociology. For his project, Rico would like to share a few of his experiences living in a small, rural community during COVID-19 and how differing beliefs among his community have impacted him during the first few months of the pandemic. Whenever there is free time available, Rico is either playing basketball, biking around town, listening to podcasts, or whipping up a mean bowl of Maruchan Ramen.


Brooke Curry

Brooke Curry is a sophomore studying musical theater and communications. Brooke is focusing on how COVID-19 has impacted artists and the arts community as a whole, as well as what this could mean for the future of the arts, and what changes have been implemented. Brooke loves to paint, hike, and dance in her spare time. 


Izzy Fincher

Izzy Fincher is a junior studying classical guitar and journalism. She is exploring how the arts are creatively adapting to COVID-19 social distancing and holding the community together in difficult times. When she’s not writing or practicing, Izzy is teaching yoga or playing with her labradoodle.  

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Jordan Lee

Jordan Lee is a second-year student studying linguistics and geography. COVID-19 sits at the intersections of science and culture, public accountability and private action, so she is interested in exploring the complexities of wearing a mask, and the dual social implications it often has for communities of color. When not investigating interesting social phenomena, she is probably on a run, reading a book, or making a collage.


Katherine Jacobsen is a sophomore studying molecular biology and Spanish at the University of Colorado Boulder. When she’s not outside, she’s most likely buried in a book. Her work for this project centers around analyzing the impact COVID-19 has on those moving during the pandemic, which includes herself. She is also looking to compare the two different living environments and is specifically interested in their responses to the crisis.

Katherine Jacobsen


Hannah Pritchard

Hannah Pritchard is a sophomore studying international affairs and environmental studies. Her work regarding the COVID-19 outbreak is centered around the role that social distancing (and the suppression of physical touch) has played in the development and cultivation of relationships during the pandemic.


Ali Stratton

Ali Stratton is an English major with a political science minor. If she’s not studying, writing, or thinking about the revolution, you can probably find her listening to the latest female rap album or writing poems about dogs she’s never met.  COVID-19 has only heightened the continued exploitation and oppression of workers, LGBTQ+ persons, and black and brown communities. As the chickens come home to roost, she believes that a new world is knocking at the door. She is interested in documenting current social movements that seek to dismantle the prison industrial complex and documenting the ways in which the University of Colorado Boulder’s administration plans on addressing the demands of the people.


Malika Rakhmonova

Malika Rakhmonova is a second-year undergraduate student in the biochemistry program trying her hand at an anthropological perspective. A self-proclaimed (but not acclaimed) chef, her interest in the social effects of COVID-19 is inspired by the intersection of humans and data in the modern world. 


Mike Tran

Mike Tran is a junior studying international affairs. He joined the team to share his COVID-19 experience with others and to apply his photography, art, and writing skills to the project. In his free time he likes to hike, weightlift, and travel (the latter two pre-COVID).  

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